Anuschka Handbags - 551 (Bewitching Blues) Handbags
Anuschka Handbags - 551 (Bewitching Blues) Handbags
If You search Handbags then Anuschka Handbags - 551 (Bewitching Blues) Handbags is best choice.
There are various of Handbags in the market currently in fact it is a really complex job to know the best idea plus a bang for your buck. Before purchasing the product, gather as many facts as possible to ensure a better buying decision. Possibly, you could check out the several professional and consumer reviews online to get yourself a acceptable suggestion. Let`s see what these reviews must say with that Anuschka Handbags.
Allow your style to bloom effortlessly with the colorful Anuschka bag
Made of hand-painted leather
Magnetic snap closure
Dual rolled carrying handles with detachable, adjustable crossbody strap
Exterior back zip and slip pockets
Signature logo detail in back
Lined interior
Protective metal foot base
Interior back-wall zip pocket and key hook
Two interior slip pockets
Bottom Width: 11 in
Depth: 4 in
Height: 11 in
Strap Length: 56 in
Strap Drop: 27 in
Handle Length: 15 in
Handle Drop: 5 in
Weight: 1 lb 10.5 oz
This product may have a manufacturer's warranty
Please visit the manufacturer's website or contact us at for full manufacturer warranty details
Please note, the hardware color and interior lining may differ from the color shown in the photo
Proposition 65 WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Even though there are a number other models sold in the market, brand would be the leaders within the market industry. Obtaining either of such types is without a doubt, worth your money used up.Learn more about the product, how to choose, and accurately different types at link below.
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